Previous Day's Smoke
Montecristo Open Eagle

Gah, the reason why I delayed the review for this one for so long?
I hated it, Montecristo, has always given me the best smokes despite their premium prices, they have always been the 'best' smokes I've had, but this one was simply simply simply disappointing from the start till end.
It had lack of flavor, lack of strength and in all, just a total lack of personality.
I don't know how reviews were all so good about it, but this was just an utter disappointment.
I was expecting the usual chocolate creamy of a Montecristo, but there wasn't even a tinge of it, it was an extremely confused cigar, had some taste here and some taste there, but it lacked of any appropriate taste at all. What I would call, half fucked. Ughh...
To think I paid premium price for this crap...
Ayee, now to talk about my MORNING trip to Malaysia yesterday morning, it was Kota Tinggi Malaysia, I was there to look at the harvesting of the birdnest from the birdnest farms.
So dressed up in jeans an a Polo T, with my old pair of leather shoes I went, and upon arrival, I was confused why people were dressed in berms and slippers!
Opening to the door of the birdnest farm, I was horrified, covered the entire floor, was an inch thick of Swallow droppings, and yes, I do mean an inch thick, and I do mean, that you cannot see a single floor tile, cause every inch of the floor was covered in Swallow POOP. My god, every step I took was extremely cautious and slow, as I hear my footsteps go, "squish squish" OH GOD.
But looking up, it was WHITE GOLD, pieces and pieces of birdnest hung from above, harvest was good, as we had 5kg's worth of birdnest, and when I asked, they said it would bring in a good 30-40grand.
I was happy, but, 1 thing I've learnt, never wear, a leather shoe, ever, to the birdnest farm again. Oh gee, imagine the time I had scrubbing my leather shoe by the river once I left that god forsaken place. -.-"
Heard this phrase from my new Drama, How I Met Your Mother.
It's a comedy drama, but somehow this just made sense.
" Love is like a course, that you go through,
To know and understand someone.
But after you break up,
It all just becomes useless,
Waiting for 1 day that it could be put to good use again. "
Weird, but thinking about it, it made pretty much sense to me. xD
GoodMorning World.
I'm up early today.
Cause I slept too much and missed school yesterday.
Yeah, tell me about it. -.-"
Meeting in an hours and a half time.
Time to SUIT UP! xD
Yours Sincerely,