Bright sunny Thursday morning.
Opened my email, and received an email from YMCA, calling out for volunteers up to the USA, and how can I not be tempted to run away for 30days to the USA, and just hide away from all the workload and stress in Singapore and go do something that I would love to do. Grahhhh...
But what are the chances, god knows my dad will send and assassin over to the US and have me assassinated and I wouldn't even know what hit me. =/
Okay, I have enough of this question, so I have to address this issue, extremely sternly.
Yes guys and girls,
I am a smoker, and that's never gonna change for the longest time, and yes I do know that smoking harms the people around me, but one thing you don't know, is that I do not smoke, in close proximity of anyone who doesn't smoke.
Why do I smoke?
- It's something that has become a livelihood, and if I had the choice to turn back the time, I wouldn't have started. But it's too late to go back now.
What is so good about smoking?
- It's scientifically proven that, to a smoker, nicotine absorbed into the body as a stimulant to help the brain concentrate, true story, don't believe me go read it up.
Do you intend to quit smoking?
- Yes, if the day calls for me to stop smoking.
(Yes the day will come, and it's not the day I contract lung cancer, or any form of disease)
And to finally close this SAGA, I have to conclude.
When was the last time you heard this ?
"He went to the bar after work, had one smoke too many and went home and beat the crap out
of his wife and kids?"
"That vehicle accident was caused by someone who smoked one too many?
Smoker's are humans too, why do you guys condemn us so much?
We just happen to have a different hobby and a different livelihood compared to the rest of you, but what makes us so different after all?
You look on the floor and you see a whole bunch of cigarette butts, and you think.
"Those damned smokers should be made to clean all this up..."
But have you ever looked on the floor, seen all those tissue paper strewn every where and thought.
"Those damned tissue users should be made to clean all this up?"
No you don't.
That's just because we are humans. ; )
We only judge things we do not like.
So, when you have nothing better to say, don't say anything at all!