Procrastination procrastination procrastination!
Bi-Athlon is counting down...
And I've not done a single lap in the pool or the stadium at all!
Oh god, like seriously...
YL YL you better wake up your idea if you wanna run and swim the damned Bi-Athlon! GRRRRR....
Okaye, tomorrow I'm gonna take time out, and I'm gonna swim, I'm not leaving the pool till I hit 40laps around the damned pool. Someone please invent underwater headphones, and make sure they are of affordable price. xD Or someone can just put a TV under water, so I don't have to concentrate swimming... Grrr...
I've tided over my crisis, finally, what had been a short fall had become a blessing to me, thank god of the usual fast thinking me, I could sum up the 4k without taking a personal bank loan. <3
I'm proud of you YL, you did the first good job at the start of the year.
I've taken a major plunge at the end of 2010, but it's a good start to 2011, and I'll keep going! I'm close close by to hitting my big '2's. And trust me.
You guys better watch me while I'm in my big '2's. x)
I'm gonna be so fast, you won't be able to catch mehhh. x)
On a slightly more angsty note,
There's a couple more things that I've learnt about Humans.
1. People who talk shit about you, will never stop talking shit about you.
2. There INDEED are people, who only want to be at places, where they feel needed and wanted.
3. There INDEED are people, who seek attention via sympathy.
4. There are people who do not appreciate the simple things that you do.
5. People who were meant to rot and die in the world, definitely are meant to rot and die in this world.
GoodEvening World!
What a post you made me do before I'm headed off to school.
I'll see you tonight.
Meanwhile! LOVE LOVE! BYE!
With Love,